Little human presence, availability of appropiate places for breeding , lack of predators and the extraordinary abundance of marine resources , make the islands an ideal place for a variety of species, especially marine , linked to this environment. They obtain food from sea, and therefore develop specific adaptations to survive in this environment, such as desalination gland , waterproof plumage and webbed feet .

Thousands of seabirds use the islands cliffs for nesting and breeding. Some of them are sedentary like the yellow-legged gull,the European Shag, the gabion and the Lesser black backed gull.

Besides sedentary seabirds in the waters of the park we can have the presence of a large number of species that do not nest on the islands, but depend on its waters to survive. They are summer , wintering or migratory seabirds such as the Balearic shearwater , Manx shearwaters , petrels , gannets, cormorants, royal terns, laughing gulls , kittiwakes , gulls , gabions , skuas , razorbills and guillemots .

Access to Mount Centolo is not allowed from 15th/ February to 31st /July, to protect and not disturb the seabird colonies in breeding and rearing period.

  • Source: PNMTIAG