The ship Santa Isabel at the time of the accident, carried 266 people, including crew and passengers, and would eventually split in two before sinking.

The first person on the island who realized what was happening was the lighthouse keeper who ran to the village to look for help.

The night of the shipwreck only 25 of the 60 neighbours were present, as the rest were in the New Year festivities, which were celebrated on the coast, in the coastal villages of Aguiño and Carreira, so most who witnessed the terrible event were women and children.

Women, with the help of the dornas (small ships) went to the aid of the victims. Afterwards they would have the recognition of the authorities. Today they are called the heroines of Sálvora.

The total number of victims was 213 people, and the survivors 56. It would be the greatest navigation tragedy documented in Galicia.

In Punta Besugueiros there are the remains of the base of a cross in memory of a crewman.

  • Source: PNMTIAG