
As a result of high temperatures, the calm of these waters and the abundance of nutrients a great increase of the  bloom  of microscopic organisms is produced, especially in summer. The colour of these organisms can change the colour of the sea in yellow, blue, brown, green and orange shades. This phenomenon is known as “toxic tide” or “purga de mar” (a filtering process).

It often happens that at night these waters full of minuscule inhabitants are transformed into spectacular fosforescent areas and this is the time when we say that there is “ardora”, “ardentía” or the sea is burning.

This is because some species can emit light when they are under certain stimulus such as water shaking, the presence of fish shoals and the waves which arrive to the shores. We can also see this on wet sand, observing how sparkling lights suddenly appear and disappear around the place we step on. This is a remarkable phenomenon.

  • Source: PNMTIAG