
They are mammals adapted to sea life like cetacean, the most common on our coasts -whales, porpoises and dolphins. We have around 20 cetacean species (whales  and dolphins), 5 species of seals and 5 sea turtle species. Some of them live on our coasts and some others are passing through.

So among the cetacean we have the common, strip, bottlenose and risso´s dolphins, porpoises and sperm whales generally. They usually eat fish and cephalopods. We also have the finned whale which eats little crustacean and fish.

From the twenty species registered, some live on our coasts like the bottlenose and risso´s dolphins or the porpoises while other species pass through these waters in their migrations like whales and sperm whales.

The dolphin is the most common species, not only in our coast but also when they get stranded. The bottlenose dolphin is easy to see on the coasts and also the “arroaces” which they are 3.5 meters long. We can also see purpoises, long finned pilot whales and risso´s dolphins although they are more oceanic species.

  • Source: PNMTIAG