In 1940 (the second world war period) we have to mention the French patrol boat shipwreck Barsac in the the island of Onza. It looked for temporary shelter because of the storm in the inlet of Pontevedra. It crashed against the bottom part of the island and a huge wave destroyed it. Although a lot of crewmen were rescued, eighteen died. During the last years some artillery left was removed from sea floors.

In 1952 there is a loss of a Spanish Army tugboat (Cíclope) which headed for Marín being out of control  when it was near Ons, crashing against the bottom part of Borneira. In 1959 the Spanish Army submarine General Mola opposite the inlet of Caniveliñas when was towed for breaking up. There was a problem with the transportation cable. It was an Italian submarine transfered by Mussolini government to the Spanish Army during the civil war. It was broken up in the place where the accident happened but there are some remains in the seafloors.

  • Source: PNMTIAG