
As there´s a lot of sun, big blocks of stone and dry bushes in the park, some reptiles are very common. There are nine lizard species: the ocellated lizard (up to 40 cms) in every island,the  Iberian wall lizard (Cortegada), slow worm (Cíes, Ons and Sálvora), the western three toed skink (all islands), the Bedriaga´s skink (Cíes), the southern smooth snake (all islands), the ladder snake (Ons), and the viperine water snake (Ons). Skinks are lizards which lost their legs (or they have them in a very bad state) in their evolutionary process. The snakes of the park are harmless and they are around 60-80 cms (the southern smooth snake), 65 cms-1 meter (the viperine water snake which is often seen in coastal rocks and pools fishing small fish and 135 cms (the ladder snake,  the longest of the three).

  • Source: PNMTIAG