Most nesting European shags which come to Spain are in this park (mainly on Cíes and Ons) with a population of 800 reproductive pairs. We can often see them landed on rocks and cliffs or flying right over the sea, swimming or diving. It´s  quite usual to see flocks of European shags called “ralleiras”. Slim black figure. From November, the male begins to defend its territory for the nest and they make pairs wearing an ornamental bun. Young birds are brown with a light coloured belly until they are two years old.

They´re an example of adaptation to the sea environment and they´re designed to move easily under water. They breed next to the sea, their nests are in the cliffs and on the ledges of sea caves, holes and cracks, form February to August laying 2/3 bluish white eggs. They are born in a month. They reach the adult size in 1.5 months.

They´re designed to move under water and to catch fish. Long black legs with webbed feet which push them powerfully. Long flexible neck which allows them to look for food in holes and cracks.

It´s 75 cms, black, sharp beak. Yellow base and a hook so that preys can´t escape. Their eyes have a membrane which is used as an underwater lense. Not completely waterproof plumage, they need to be soaked to be heavier under the water. We see them on sunny pinnacles and rocks spreading their wings. Typical image. Endangered species.

  • Source: PNMTIAG