
The Atlantic Pathways project has two main objectives: firstly to offer visitors a new experience in their stay, sensitizing and increasing awareness with information about the values ​​and importance of this heritage, and secondly to locate the park on the international map of protected areas with high natural and cultural value.

A total of thirty labels distributed over the four archipelagos that make up the park ( Cies , Ons , Sálvora and Cortegada ) allow visitors to learn their most important heritage resources through Smartphones, in multiple languages ​​without downloading any application.

Atlantic Pathways is a project developed by the company Wireless Galicia and funded under the Order of May 16, 2013 for regulating public subsidies chargeable to the general state budget in the area of socioeconomic influence Maritime National Park - Land of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia for the financial year 2013.

  • Source: PNMTIAG