Areas with a great influence of the sea , beating of the waves, wind, high salinity, and therefore adverse soil conditions for plant growth , where only specialized vegetation is able to settle . Thus the form adopts vegetation padded (like a pillow) to offer less resistance. The colonies of gulls influence these plant communities, enriching the soil with fertilizer substances from their droppings.

Depending on the proximity of the sea, we distinguish several strips of vegetation. In the lower areas near the sea and influenced by the spray of the sea include sea parsley, the armory, sea fern, nettle and chamomile marina.

In the next strip, above the previous the grass is pulverized by splashes from the waves causing high salinity. In this place we can see different species: armory, silent sea, marine dactyl, hay white, angelica, calendula and parietaria marina .

At the top of the cliff, we have the areas least influenced by sea spray, appearing cliff coastal scrub with gorse, sea campion, brizo, daisy largest cliff, marine Dactyl, jaguarzo negro, daphne or retama broom, existing one exclusive retama broom, the cytisus insularis, endemic to the park only present in Ons.

  • Source: PNMTIAG