
The location of the islands, with the different routes of entry into the inlet of Pontevedra, would cause these shipwrecks which sailed in the out part going into and out of that inlet. The security anfd shelter offered to the ships and the freshwater was key to its use as a sail , fishing or rest place for sailors from the northern Europe or Berber sailors. This caused the depopulation of the islands, later used by corsairs and pirates until the beginning of the nineteenth century when the fortifications of Ons is begun . This can be checked in Punta do Castelo where remains from Rodas castle.

A lot of elements from the past were recovered and they allow us to rebuild passages of the history which happened on our coasts. Stone and ceramic anchors found in the seafloors tell us about the old history. From the Modern Age we have remains of artillery, anchors and other objects of interest.

  • Source: PNMTIAG