
Presence of terrestrial birds such as buzzards, hawks, owls, tawny owls, doves, pigeons, gray or nightjar woodpecker  in the lush landscape of the island of Cortegada. Also, marine and waterfowl on the coast, as shag, royal cormorant, yellow-legged gulls, black-headed gulls, terns, herons and egrets and waterfowl such as mallard ducks and lots of migratory itinerant waders like oystercatchers, sandpipers, curlew, redshank and turnstone, frequenting rocky areas, sands and silts.

There are also lots of birds, forest and open spaces, among which many birds are included: the robin, pimpin, the wrens, titmice, tree creepers, blackbirds, warblers, goldfinches and greenfinches, and other itinerant birds such as swifts, nets or flycatchers.

We must also highlight the presence of crows and jays.

  • Source: PNMTIAG