Caión port, as an entrance port to the Costa da Morte, is one that best represents the historical evolution of the North Atlantic coast of Galicia.

If you walk through it, you can imagine how it left behind its whaling past (16th and 17th centuries) to become, in the 20th century a fishing benchmark in the area.

With new facilities, today it is the tourist emblem of the municipality of Laracha and has managed to improve services for residents and visitors.

From here you can see the new fishermen's huts, a minimalist construction that manages to seamlessly integrate, professional and recreational spaces. If you go down to the walkway, you will see up close how wood and glass have been used in its sleek design, and how three seawater pools, complete its functionality.

If you look up, you will see in front of you, Punta Atalaia and slightly beyond the Outer Harbour of A Coruña, one of the most modern in southern Europe.

Go down to the dock and enjoy a leisurely stroll, where you will find numerous boats both for artisanal fishing (that go to catch octopus and goose barnacles) as well as sports and recreation craft.

Immerse yourself in the environment and see, first-hand, the benefits of a more integrated civic port.

Audio guide of the Port's Route

Learn more about the port in this video

Learn more about whaling in this video

Get to know the tourist network of Caión