Among the wrecked ships and remains of sunk shipwrecks we can highlight Jupiter in 1808, Bonika in 1874,  Asturianne in 1917, Itálica 1922, Arlanza number 2 1925, Weyler 8 in 1927 or Cuatro Hermanos in 1934. Later we have other records such as Samwater in 1947, Tito in 1948 or Ave del Mar in 1956which is symbolized with a cross in memory of the victims in Punta Galera in the southern island, in the Freu da Porta, dangerous 500 meter canal which separated the southern island from the the lighthouse island (isla del Faro).

In 1970 there was an oil slick caused by the oil ship Polycomander which crashed against some rocks near Figueiras also a ship called Marbel (in 1978) sank causing some victims. The second world war left some side effects as well. Some German submarines and allied planes were left near the waters of Cíes.

There were some treasure hunters went under water to look for treasures like the Santo Cristo de Maracaibo. We must mention John Potter´s expeditions in 1958 who found somme other wrecked ships and other valuable pieces.

All in, all we are speaking about accidents and shipwrecks which sadly caused a lot of victims in the sea inlet of Vigo.

  • Source: PNMTIAG